Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 2 -- a glimpse into trafic

Hi all. Life is good in Bangalore. The Indian people are very generous and pleasant. We have a class of about 60 members, and we like to reward correct answers with candy (particularly chocolate peanut M&M's) are very popular. That is actually normal, but what surprised and encouraged me was that even a small candy bar would be shared with 1 or 2 more people. It was a cool thing to see. With the good, also come trials. I am also learning the patience required of consistent inconsistencies. I remind myself frequently that this isn't my country and I can't really expect people to act as if they lived in the States. The city itself is amazing in many facets. This morning we saw a dead dog on the side of the road amid piles of rubble and debris. The amazing part is that dog was just down the street from the BMW and Audi dealerships. I attached a short video from yesterday that gives you a quick glimpse into my daily commute to work. My first day into work was loaded with more bumps and jolts and thrilling maneuvers, but at least you get an idea of my daily commute. It is surprising to me that I still haven't seen an accident. I am planning trips to the Taj Mahal and some other tourist areas soon. I also have a friend of a friend that may possibly take me into areas of the city where there are orphanages and missions. I will let you know if it works out. More to come later.


  1. Obviously, the pedestrians think they have the right of way. Why don't you have the meetings in your hotel, so, you don't have to commute?
    Dad & Renae

  2. Nielsen hired a large consultant agency. The agency has it's own large campus and provides for training with in the work areas of the people we are training. All the computers, internet access, and other needs are best met at the campus.

    And on the pedistrians -- there is typically fear in their eyes when crossing streets. I just think many are accustomed to walking through the traffic
