Saturday, June 20, 2009

Week of June 15 - June 19 -- work becomes "normal"

Busy week of classroom training. I don't believe we did too much other than eat, sleep, drive, and teach. I laugh, as I am realizing the totally abnormal is becoming normal. Almost like God asking us to pray that His kingdom be the same on earth as it is in heaven. Sorry I digress :-)
The week was full of interesting travel times between work and the hotel. We see many cows, dogs, and near accidents every day. One of my team mates, Donnette, always sits behind me in the car. She is so much fun to have in the car. Inevitably when it looks like we are about to get sideswiped or a passerby stares at the "foreigners" in the car Donnette will utter the word seriously. It isn't directed at anyone in the car, but at the action. I have found myself uttering seriously several times. I really like Donnette being in India.
This week we also said goodbye to another trainer - Cathy. I really enjoyed Cathy on our team. My favorite memory was asking Cathy (whose British) the political value of the Queen Elizabeth. I was quite impressed at the mini history lesson (including dates) on the actual role of the Queen inthe affairs of Parliament. Cathy was also much fun on the dance floor. The sutdents valued her as well as they provided her a cake party at their own expense. I didn't actually teach with Cathy, but it is obvious she made an impact.
Lastly, I experienced the game of cricket live. As background, we have been watching the World Twenty20 Cricket championship at our hotel. The game is quite popular outside the US. At work, several of the TCS associates play the game, and I learned they have a competitive league. Friday was the day for quarter finals, semi-finals, and finals. I watched about 2 hours of cricket and learned much of the game. Several of my students tried to get a round of hockey claps going, but we learned we need to provide more education to the other team on exactly what a hockey clap is.

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